Thursday, May 04, 2006

Packing is almost complete. Made sure I packed my old dive knife in case the wildlife chooses to snack on me. Found out that my paddle partner's truck has been having brake problems, this is not good for my nerves. Can't take my car because the dirt road we take into the Park is crossed by a creek that floods a little too deeply in the Spring. My paddle is painted and my tackle box is complete so I am ready for our trip. Broke the tip off my fishin' rod last year when it snagged on some shrubs as I was pulling the canoe out of the water. New rod is 6" longer which makes it a little more challenging to pack. Next entry should be next week...wish us good fishing and pray we are not on a dinner plate ourselves before the weekend is over.


At 11:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You sound like a very brave and dedicated group. Good luck.


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